Maria B Inspired Master Replica

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A beautiful Maria B Inspired Master Replica with sequence work throughtout the kameez and intricate detailing on the neckline and the sleeves. Comes with a  organza detailed dupatta and a contrasted Capri Trouser. 


Approximate Measurments. 

Please note measurements may vary slightly


Small - UK 8/10
Bust 34"
Waist 28"
Hips 36/38"


Medium- UK 12
Bust 36/38"
Waist 30/34"
Hips 38/40"


Large - UK 14
Bust 40/42"
Waist 38/42
Hips 42"


Extra Large - UK 18

Bust 44/46
Waist 44"
Hips 46/48"
